When a Company Defaults: Demystifying the IBC for Everyday Business
Introduction The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), introduced in 2016, has significantly changed the Country’s approach to handling financial distress in businesses and enter
Protecting Your Rights in a Click: Navigating the Legal Maze of Digital Contracts in a Tech-Driven Era
Introduction Contracts in India have evolved significantly over time. In ancient and mediaeval times, contracts were governed by the Vedas and Dharmashatras. In the Mughal era, it
Your Guide to Effective Dispute Resolution: Choosing the Perfect Arbitration Seat and Keep the Courtroom Out of the Fight
“Differences we shall always have but we must settle them all, whether religious or other, by arbitration.” - Mahatma Gandhi Introduction Arbitration today is the default dispu
Mastering India’s Revised FDI Policy: Your Guide to Successful Investment and Compliance
In the last decade, India has seen a surge in foreign direct investment (FDI), with 67% of its total inflows in the past 24 years occurring during this period. This heightened infl